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Walk In Positivity


My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart. If you do this, you will live many years, and your life will be satisfying. Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation. - Proverbs 3:1-4 (NLT)

Walking in positivity can become a natural way of life

By replacing all of the stress, tension, and confusion that causes the strife

Choose to walk in positivity and escort negativity out of the door

Refuse to allow negativity in or around your space, so it dwells no more

Walking in positivity is having faith in God and needing only His affirmation instead of an entire pep squad

Walking in positivity is working a financial plan, when unemployment and reduced work hours seemingly leaves your finances at the mercy of man

Walking in positivity is believing God will provide when He gives you a vision for financial independence deep down on the inside

Walking in positivity is believing that if God is in your relationship and things need to change, that God will move on hearts so things do not remain the same

Walking in positivity is seeking God first in all decisions to be made, so God gets the glory and the outcomes, though unknown, there is no need to be afraid

Walking in positivity is knowing that though the end of a loved one’s life is near, they have taught you how to honor God in relationship and there is no need to fear

Walking in positivity is remaining silent when you don’t know what to say and instead being present and whispering silent prayers the Holy Spirit sends comfort in a very unique way

Walking in positivity is knowing the courage to let go is not in vain and as a result, the new freedom found was once thought never to be attained

Walking in positivity is working to restore and build bad credit when life’s circumstances left what seemed like no way out of insurmountable debt

Walking in positivity is asking for forgiveness after doing something dumb and being forgiven not only by God, but also loved ones

Walking in positivity is relying on Godly discernment even if sometimes it feels like abandonment

Walking in positivity is knowing by faith that God will always plead your case

Walking in positivity is living in a place of faith that is constantly accompanied by favor, peace and grace.




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