Why does the negative determine the narrative?
Why does it feed curiosity and determine the path?
Choose to rewrite the story, it is imperative
It helps ward off all negativity, defeatism, and wrath
Remove negative words from the vocabulary
They have no life-giving power
Speak words of hope that fuel energy that is happy and merry
And watch negativity and uncertainty be devoured
Remove the bad and replace it with good
And enjoy the benefits it will bring
Remove the pessimism, doubt, and falsehood
And relish in the vitality of hope and situations that are encouraging
Remove it, words that are tied to limiting beliefs, lies, and untruths
Remove it, words that were passed down from generational roots
Remove it, habits that only rise to the low ceiling that was pre-established
Remove it, habits that accept subpar as normal, acceptable, and average
Remove it, and speak words with creativity, longevity, and prosperity
Remove it, and speak words of growth, evolving mindsets, and maturity
Remove it, and create habits of planning, preparation, and forward movement
Remove it, and create habits that are confident, courageous, and ever improving
Remove it, and live a life with pure joy, bravery, and unconcern
Remove it, and live life that is exciting, always pushing forward, and free of U-turns
Remove it, and experience the lessons in failing while trying
Remove it to experience opportunities and a freedom that is beyond gratifying
Remove it, and watch others grow and glean from your example
Remove it, and watch others become set free from being unfavorably entangled
Negativity, remove it, it has no place, prominent or otherwise
Negativity, remove it, and let in all of the blessed, positive vibes
Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. ~Ephesians 4:29 (NLT)