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Cultivating The Mind


Cultivate the mind

Stop walking around blind

Break free from being confined

Make time to cultivate the mind

Reading books is just one way to cultivate the mind. Whether reading to escape reality and enjoying a great fictional story, or reading to learn something like a language, or a skillset. Reading books opens the mind up to even greater possibilities. Reading can provide deeper insight and development of various areas of your life such as: Spiritual, Financial, Physical, Familial, Business, and Social. Whether reading fun stories about love, family drama, or going from poverty to affluent, reading is one way to cultivate the mind, expand thought processes, and build upon knowledge. Reading even comes in various ways now, including Kindle and Audible to save space. However, according to various studies, the best way to take notes, still seems to be written, over typing; the information is said to have a more lasting impact because it was written and thought about as opposed to being typed, and just captured verbatim. In either case, the knowledge is still obtained from reading books, articles, journals, research results, and more. Call To Action: Decide to try something different, learn something new, or read something you wouldn’t ordinarily read.

Another way to cultivate the mind is to engage in group activities outside of your norm. Get involved in a group at your church or the church of a friend. This could be a fun type of activity like a ministry’s bowling event, skating event, paint night, or it can be a learning series on a specific topic like Faith, being Single, or making Marriage fun. It is often in these group sessions, that we learn some things about ourselves, and we even build relationships with others that are lasting and beyond the superficial relationships we sometimes hold onto because of longevity. If you are the one who is always pouring out to others, you need to be poured back into at some point. Find those people who can inspire you, encourage you, and motivate you to obtain your next level of greatness, and join God in His work in your life’s journey. Call To Action: Choose to join one Small Group’s entire session (6-weeks, 8-weeks), attend an event you would normally talk yourself out of attending, or find a LinkedIn Group, Facebook Group, or some other group to be a part of.

Change will only occur, if you choose to do something different. If you are looking for ways to be inspired, and still cultivate your mind, take on one of our call to actions or create your own. An inspired mind is an active mind, and everyone has some sort of creativity. Learning does not always look like a textbook and growing is often done when you’re open to new possibilities. How will you decide to grow today? What area of your life will you focus on first? Let us know how your cultivation journey is going and let’s celebrate down the road how this article has inspired you to keep growing and be reminded that learning is fun and self-care is necessary.

Cultivate the mind

Stop walking around blind

Break free from being confined

Make time to cultivate the mind


The wise are mightier than the strong, and those with knowledge grow stronger and stronger. ~ Proverbs 24:5 (NLT)





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