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Commit To It


Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. ~Psalm 37:5 (NLT)

Speak It

The cliché “Talk is cheap” is very valid, however, talk doesn’t always have to be cheap if you intend to add actions behind the words; we will get to that in a moment. Often, we stop at the words, without realizing that you can use your words to have more power than just a wish list of things. This is how affirmations became so popular, by speaking the words, and putting belief behind those words to give them power. First, you must identify what you want to give power to? Is it right relationship with God? Financial stability? Debt Freedom? Confidence? More discipline? Whatever those areas you decide you want to grow in, become more intentional in, excel in, Write It Down and start speaking those words daily or even throughout the day. When you hear yourself say it repeatedly, you start to listen.

Believe It

That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” ~1 Corinthians 2:9 (NLT)

Do you understand the blessings God has in store for you? Have you realized how God has prepared a life of blessings, abundance, favor, and grace for you? Do you believe God’s holy word about His desires for your life? Do you believe what God has revealed to you about you and for you? To move from just speaking it to believing it, may take a little practice to shift thinking from “I think I can” to “I know I can” or to break through past Limiting Beliefs and habits. When you recognize God has worked out past obstacles and challenges for your good, and you reflect on how God has chosen you, called you, and extended eternal salvation to you, to be called His own and that no one can stand against you, (Romans 8:27-32) then you start to believe it. It is when you recall how God has always been your “Shepherd” leading you beside peaceful streams and guiding you along right paths (Psalm23:2-3). As you hear yourself say “I am sure of my relationship with God that I hear Him clearly, follow Him nearly, and love Him dearly more each day” or “I am confident in what God has called me to do” or “My finances are in right order for wealth building and positioning me as the lender and not the borrower.” When you hear yourself make declarations and affirmations, and they start to resonate in your mind, your heart, and your spirit, they shift from words, to power, belief, Owning Your Process, walking into your greatness, and living out Palatable Positioning.

Commit To It

Once you have identified what it is you are ready to be intentional about – Speak It; and you have reflected on how God has always worked everything together for your good even breaking down old limiting belief systems – Believe It, now you are ready to Commit To It. In order to commit, you must let go of negative behaviors that hold you back. In order to commit, you must release members of your ‘crew’ who speak doubt, hesitancy, or fake excitement. In order to commit, you have to become open and ready for new possibilities and opportunities that sometimes have you walking in places you have never walked before. In order to commit, you must take faith steps even when, like Abraham, you may have no idea where you are going (Genesis 12:1).

I may not know where I am headed, but I know this ain’t it. ~Erica L. Spruill

In order to commit, you must allow yourself to be vulnerable to the possibility of failure, disappointment, and pain. In order to commit, you have to be all in to explore the risks, the prospects, and the forecasts without hesitation, limitation, or even the safety net. Are you ready to commit? Are you ready to be ALL IN? Don’t you know you are worth it?

Call To Action: Identify 2 things you are ready to be intentional about committing to and stop putting off, making excuses why you can’t or won’t. Create affirmations or sayings around them and recite them regularly so you hear you and you start to believe in you like God believes in you.




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